Let a mac application run in default language as you like

To do that, just use ‘defaults’ command.

The usages is simply:

default [command] [domain] [attribute] [value]

If I want to change the default language of com.apple.mail to be English while the whole system is in Chinese, just type in terminal:

defaults write com.apple.mail AppleLanguages ‘(“en”, “zh”)’

It will search for English language pack first, then Chinese.

SMS? Makes a disk hard…

… to be capable with apple portables.

Remember I have purchased a hard disk last year? (Link in Chinese)

Now this hard is broken since my mac fallen to the ground… After several days, I find out that may be the broken hard disk has problem with the Sudden Motion Sensor. Because it seems that the broken hard disk cannot resume after the disk drive head disengaged.

Here are 2 ways to solve it:
1. Replace a hard drive without the same functionality of SMS.
2. Disable the SMS

It is not safe to turn off the SMS for a hard drive without the same functionality of SMS. Hence, I will buy a new hard disk.

For those who use SSD or a hard disk has the same functionality as SMS, you can disable the SMS by
sudo pmset -a sms 0
or you just want to check by
sudo pmset -g
If you want to enable is just type in terminal
sudo pmset -a sms 1

Don’t know how to install package on Mac?

In linux like ubuntu, we can simply type
sudo apt-get install [package-name]
to installs packages.

But in Mac OS X… there is no apt-get 🙁

Most of time I do download the source code and compile by myself because I am a geek 🙂
However, sometimes I have no time to debug the errors generated by the compiler and the problem of software dependency…

So guess what? Macports! If you are worried to install packages, macports is your friend. It does the same thing as apt-get and more powerful.

For example, I want to install mscgen, just type
sudo port install mscgen
and…that’s it. Macports will check the dependency and install all related packages including mscgen for you.

Here is the official site: http://www.macports.org/

ldd on Mac OS X

I was used to use ldd on Linux and Solaris to print out the dynamic library linkage.

However, there is no ldd on Mac OS X but a equivalent tool called otool.

Here is the usage:

Usage: otool [-fahlLDtdorSTMRIHvVcXm] <object file> ...
	-f print the fat headers
	-a print the archive header
	-h print the mach header
	-l print the load commands
	-L print shared libraries used
	-D print shared library id name
	-t print the text section (disassemble with -v)
	-p <routine name>  start dissassemble from routine name
	-s <segname> <sectname> print contents of section
	-d print the data section
	-o print the Objective-C segment
	-r print the relocation entries
	-S print the table of contents of a library
	-T print the table of contents of a dynamic shared library
	-M print the module table of a dynamic shared library
	-R print the reference table of a dynamic shared library
	-I print the indirect symbol table
	-H print the two-level hints table
	-v print verbosely (symbolically) when possible
	-V print disassembled operands symbolically
	-c print argument strings of a core file
	-X print no leading addresses or headers
	-m don't use archive(member) syntax
	-B force Thumb disassembly (ARM objects only)


To use it like ldd, just type

otool -L executable

For example:

$ otool -L a.out
	/usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 52.0.0)
	/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 159.0.0)






反之,把认出来的区为 EFI分区,第一个分区,第二个分区,第三个分区,一共4个分区(即被认为成了主分区,达到Max)。




09年的时候买的Macbook Pro已经用了一年半多了。250G的硬盘渐渐地也快撑满了。虽然我有2块500G硬盘,但是也基本上塞得差不多了。所以,我特地和同学一起去躺悉尼(2011年7月30日・星期六),到MSY买了一块750G的日立硬盘。同学的话,买了块AMD主板和CPU(型号未知)。

当天晚上我就在 azuis 家给我的Mac开始安装新硬盘。

1. MacBook Pro (任意机型,我这里为MacBook Pro 13″ Mid 2009, MBP991)
2. Hitachi HTS547575A9E384 硬盘一块(750G, 5400rpm)
3. T6螺丝刀
4. 小的十字螺丝刀
5. 细心的操作员




1. 如上图所示,把MBP翻过来,风扇口朝上。小心拧掉10个十字螺丝。(别忘了关机哦,亲)


2. 拆开后盖之后,可以发现硬盘在MBP的左下方。先用手触碰左侧光驱金属部位以消除静电。断开电池电源接口(这步可略过)。


3. 小心放置螺丝,避免掉落到其他地方。还有就是按照位置摆放好,避免等下装回去的时候错位。


4. 拆开的底座外壳又很多灰,毕竟已经用了近2年了。赶紧把灰清理了…


5. 用十字螺丝刀把硬盘和光驱之间的两个螺丝拧松,并把卡子取出。这样我就可以很方便地把硬盘取出了。取出之后小心地把硬盘接线拔掉。


6. 近距离观察…其实苹果这个设计不错的。


7. 要被换下来的是苹果原装的 日立250G 5400rpm 的硬盘(型号HTS54502509SA02)。该硬盘四周的4个T6螺丝用T6螺丝刀拧下来,以装到新硬盘上。


8. 新硬盘登场!!!Hitachi HTS547575A9E384!!!


9.  用T6螺丝刀把T6拧到新硬盘上去。贴上曾经那个硬盘上的透明胶带(用于下次方便取出硬盘,可以选择略过)。并小心接上硬盘接线,放入MBP机体内。(在第2步断开了电池电源的话,在这里把电池电源接上)


10. 盖上后盖,拧上螺丝即完成。当然在此之前你可以再做做清灰工作。


11. 把MBP放正,开启装系统!(当然可以选择把原来硬盘上的系统通过“磁盘工具”克隆回来)